old black and white photo of a man and a kid

Why Bother To Be A Good Example?

Why Bother To Be A Good Example?

Recently, our school shifted its administrator and we hired a new principal. Unlike the last one, Mr. C. makes himself visible and available to staff and students. He casually strolls through each classroom every morning and helps out on the playground at noon. At the end of the day, he makes his rounds again through classrooms, this time for the benefit of the teachers. Though his question, “Is there anything that I can do for you?” is the same each day, I’ve learned that he means what he says. At times, I don’t need a thing and simply smile and say, “No thanks.” Other times, when I’m in a conundrum with the curriculum or a student’s behavior, I’ll ask for his advice. Because he’s a good listener, his insight is spot on. Just the other day I realized that just being around him inspires me to want to do a better job at what I do. 

Inspiring Others

Though I am not sure how they do it, some people, such as my new principal, have an innate ability to inspire others. They infuse us with enthusiasm, and give us a vision for something beyond what we presently see. While attending college, I had a few especially inspiring teachers. Just walking into their classrooms I could anticipate something good was about to happen. These instructors stirred up inside of me the potential that I was unaware I possessed. They pointed  to great things they knew I could accomplish. And I believed them.  

But teachers and principals are not the only ones who stimulate me to do better. My friends inspire me as well. Without the influence of a particularly emphatic friend in my life, I would be less inclined to offer sympathy to those who are hurting. Another friend whose lightheartedness and laughter fills up any room she walks into, inspires me to take myself a little less seriously. 

Then there are the people, whose names I don’t know, yet whose lives, when I observe them from afar, prompt me to consider being better. On my commute across a mile long bridge, I observe a woman in a wheelchair. When the weather is warm and sunny, she wheels herself speedily across the bridge, her muscular arms glistening with sweat. On other days, I notice a physically impaired young man pedaling a heavy three wheeled bicycle across the same bridge. His smile is big enough for everyone to take note. Both these individuals remind me that if they have the grit to overcome their obstacles, then so do I.  

Whether a fellow employee, a friend or a stranger, there are folks all around us who are living good examples. 

Why bother to be a good example? You never know who may be watching, so live as if anyone who may be watching, will be inspired by your good example.

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