
Why Bother Being Grateful for Spring?


Why Bother Being Grateful for Spring? 

It seems that suddenly, winter gave way to spring. The snowbanks melted, the sunlight grew warmer and the daylight longer.  Like a dog that naturally sheds its winter coat when the weather warms, spring invites us to lighten up and move into spring. 

     A Season of Change

An increase in daylight hours along with the warmer air brings people out of their houses. From the second story window where I sit at my desk to write, I can view an expansive public park with soccer fields and walking paths. December through early March, these fields and pathways are desolate. Blanketed with snow and ice, few people venture out to walk on these paths. But now that the walkways are ice free, people have reappeared. Kids on bikes or scooters, couples walking their dogs, and joggers now enjoy the spacious green area from dawn to dusk. 

During the cold dark months of winter, there was no happy chirping heard from birds or the playful scampering of our resident squirrels. Instead, songbirds migrated, and squirrels hunkered down deep into their leafy nests. But now our backyard wildlife is active once again. The birds have returned, and the air is filled with the male voices of robins, sparrows and swallows singing their mating songs. The squirrels, no longer curled together for warmth in their nest, chase each other across the lawn and up and down tree trunks. Recently, my husband and I spied a squirrel lying on a branch in one of our trees just to warm itself with the rays of the morning sun. 

Spring also calls for a change in our wardrobes. Fur lined boots, wool hats, and cumbersome coats are shed for lighter wear. Dark green sweaters, black leggings and brown long-sleeved dresses are replaced with the lighter colors of yellow cotton shirts, blue capri pants and orange skirts. This simple change, from heavy to lighter weighted clothes along with the brighter colors is enough to make me smile.

Spring also brings anticipation for the future. Possible projects around the house are planned—rooms that need repainting or furniture that needs restoring, along with garages and storage sheds that need clearing out. Early spring is the time many gardeners start their garden seeds indoors whether flowers, herbs or vegetables. 

Our diets usually lighten up as well. Spring is the time we replace those starchy, comforting casseroles for the many different varieties of salads. And finally, spring is the time to get back outdoors. Whether a walk around the park, a bike ride, kicking a soccer ball or strapping on some roller blades, it is time to get out and get moving.

Why bother being grateful for spring? The daylight is longer, the air is warmer, the birds are singing love songs and we’ve shed our heavy winter wear for colorful outerwear. It is worth it to enjoy the season of spring and all of what it brings. 

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